Based in: București, Brașov și oriunde există internet
Cu ce te pot ajuta:
Change Strategist cu un interes deosebit in dezvoltarea abilitatilor de ascultare si a auzi lucrurile care de obicei raman nespuse
Te pot ajuta să îți îmbunătățești relațiile personale și profesionale prin dezvoltarea abilităților de ascultare la un nivel despre care nici nu stiai ca este posibil.
Folosesc programe de pregătire și sesiuni individuale pentru a te ajuta să stăpânești atât ascultarea reductiva, cât și pe cea expansiva până în punctul în care îți vei transformă profund viața.
Vrei să afli cum? Hai să începem o conversație.
- Strategic Intervention Coaching, Robbins-Madanes Center fondat de Tony Robbins (coach) și Cloe Madanes (psihoterapeut)
- Breakthrough Coach – Robbins-Madanes Center
- Paul McKenna Certified Hypnotherapist
- Noble Manhattan Coaching, UK
- NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), certificat internațional ca NLP Practitioner (The Society Of Neuro-Linguistic Programming) – Richard Bandler
- Die Before You Die – The Art of Let Go Through Life and Death – Kaifi Iraklis
- Add Heart Facilitator – HeartMath Institute
- Jung Type Indicator (JTI) Certified User
- Erickson Coaching (M1)
Despre mine:
Om, antreprenor și change strategist pasionat de oameni și sisteme. Orientat către acțiune și pragmatism. Ajut life-long-learners să schimbe lumea.
Modul în care lucrez a fost puternic influențat de munca lui Milton Erickson, Irvin Yalom și Viktor Frankl.
Am învățat direct de la experți în schimbare cum ar fi Tony Robbins, Cloé Madanes, Richard Bandler, John La Valle, Joe Dispenza, Joe Navarro și Kaifi Iraklis iar apoi am construit un proces propriu, Change Strategist Method, ca metoda interdisciplinară de facilitare a schimbării.
Cred în abordări holistice, din mai multe unghiuri, nu în rețete și aplicat șabloane.
Găsești mai multe informații despre mine pe
*Andrei este fondatorul Whisper – Center for Strategic Change, are o experiență de peste 4000 de ședințe de change strategy livrate și a train-uit personal Change Strategiștii pe care îi găsești pe site.
Câteva cuvinte de la o parte dintre oamenii cu care am lucrat până acum:
Andrei is brilliant! He really is. He is by far one of the most intelligent, perceptive and empathetic people I’ve ever met. But most importantly, Andrei takes the time to listen. Thanks to our talks and his advice, I was able to get some clarity and figure out how to beat the fears that were holding me back from achieving my goals. I’ve already recommended Andrei to my friends, and no doubt I’ll be going back to soak up more of his brilliance and knowledge.
(Alexandra Gavril, Technical Writer at Hootsuite)
The right person at the right time. I had the chance to work with Andrei during the Covid lock-down and he managed to bring some light into all this storm. With an entrepreneur background he has the skills and knowledge to assist in any matters. I would recommend Andrei to anybody who is willing to take it to the next level and in need for a professional assist.
(Alex Chirita, Founder at Mooshee App)
Andrei has profoundly changed how I see and evaluate myself.
He played an instrumental role in my transition from being employed full-time for over a decade to becoming a full-time freelancer (with all the fears, doubts, and challenges it implies).
Andrei helped me with some of the fundamental struggles and issues I’d been dealing with for a long time.
Even though I’d previously addressed many of them in therapy, I didn’t have the palpable results I wanted. Working with Andrei not only covered that missing puzzle piece but brought my self-awareness and self-assurance to a level I’ve never experienced before.
We worked on my recovery after a sever burnout, on managing and effectively reducing anxiety, on time management (which involved incredible and powerful realisations) and on building a system for self-evaluation to help me internalise achievements and assess if I’m doing enough towards the objectives I set out to accomplish.
Andrei’s methods are highly effective due to his ability to:
– extract and articulate key ideas from my stories without losing nuance or complexity
– bring incredible clarity to complicated issues
– recommend tools, exercises and concepts that helped me make fast, measurable progress
– create a safe environment where you can air your most difficult issues and finally understand them deeply while figuring out the path forward and a way to move beyond them.
I’ve been recommending Andrei ever since our first session because I had fantastic results right after it. I’ll certainly continue to do so with every chance I get because he can unlock the path to a healthier, more peaceful and more rewarding life.
In just a few hours, Andrei made a lasting impact on my life. I’m sure he can do the same for many, many others, including yourself, if you feel you need help getting unstuck or on top of a thorny issue.
(Andra Zaharia, Cybersecurity content marketer)
Since I have been working with Andrei I feel that he opened my eyes and my mind and he helped me discover many insights about myself.
Each session meant to me a new discovery and I saw myself changing from one week to another. You will set clear goals with Andrei from the beginning and he actually keeps track of them.
The discussions go through different areas (business, personal) and Andrei listens carefully and gathers all the pieces together to identify the weak points or mental barriers that keep you from achieving your dreams.
(Simona Circiu, Radio Navigation Engineer at European Space Agency – ESA)
I have known Mr. Andrei Roșca for almost a year and, if someone would ask me how I would describe him in just a few words, I will say he is a man of vision and a great team player.
His projects speak for his values, his perseverance and responsible way of living in this complex society. A man of character, a pioneer in the field of Romanian online cultural phenomenon & personal development who would deserve a distinction like “Knight of Knowledge” to be invented.
(Octav Dafinoiu, Marketing & Innovation Manager)
I’m among the lucky people who have had the chance to meet Andrei and retain some of his various knowledge. As a solo founder of a startup, I felt I was in that dark swamp of despair every business book or entrepreneur is talking about. That space where you end up after some years of ups and downs and struggles. I needed to escape the days with low energy, very little enthusiasm, no confidence and no plans ahead. From the first session, Andrei made me address some of my personal problems and limiting beliefs and helped me to see the connections to my work. He guided me to create a daily routine that stuck with me and now is a framework to be more productive, present and confident. Andrei made my growth process enjoyable and I definitely recommend him to anyone who wants to improve their lives.
(Tudor Iacob, Managing Partner at Unison Plant Based)
Cand ma gandesc la leadership, ma gandesc (si) la Andrei. La optimismul lui, la puterea lui de a visa si de a-si urmari visul in realitate, cu perseverenta si pragmatism. Este un om care isi “traieste” valorile si este si forta si frumusete interioara.
Il recomand pe Andrei atat pentru experienta sa din domeniul antreprenoriatului online dar si pentru orice moment in care ajungeti sa credeti ca “visele nu pot deveni realitate”…
(Raluca Laura Mohanu, Executive Coach & Systemic Facilitator)